Southcliff was developed intentionally to nestle into the mountainside and preserve the rich contrast in views and terrain of its natural setting. To that end, 175 of the 400-acre community will be forever preserved as perpetual green space.
Additional covenants and architectural guidelines support Southcliff's rich microenvironments that thrive across the changing elevations. The information below serves as an introduction for Southcliff's residents and homebuilders.
Southcliff's homeowners association is governed by a three-person board of directors, of which one member is elected by Southcliff property owners. The purpose of the board is to provide for maintenance and preservation of community common areas and to promote the health, safety, and welfare of residents.
The community's homeowners covenants describe in detail the HOA's rights and obligations to its members, and vice versa. Among the most important priorities of the Southcliff HOA are:
Contact us to learn more about Southcliff's HOA Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and bylaws.
The Southcliff Design Review Board (DRB) has developed detailed Architectural and Landscape Design Guidelines in order to blend structures and residents' lifestyles into a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing residential community which places a strong emphasis on the preservation and enhancement of the natural beauty of Southcliff.
The guidelines are intended to provide direction to lot owners and builders during the construction process in order to ensure quality of design, compatibility among buildings and their setting, and to harmonize with landforms and surrounding vegetation. The DRB is open to and encourages creative design, innovative use of materials, and unique methods of construction within the framework of these guidelines and the guiding philosophy of Southcliff.
The Southcliff Architectural and Landscape Design Guidelines include information about:
Including permitted architectural styles, maximum dwelling height, fences and walls, outbuildings, and outdoor home features
Including site analysis and siting considerations, streams and wetlands, and easements
Including landscape zones, retaining walls, landscape walls, screening, tree protection and preservation, automatic irrigation, and fish ponds and fountains
Including roadway maintenance, site stabilization, silt fencing, and erosion control
Recommendations for reliable builders
Contact us to learn more about the Southcliff Architectural and Landscape Design Guidelines.
The Southcliff Design Review and Construction Process consists of a series of meetings, or checkpoints, between the lot owner, architect (design/build team), and the DRB. This process starts with an informal introductory meeting and ends with the completion of home construction.
There are five major steps in the Design Review and Construction Process:
During the process, the DRB will evaluate all development proposals in accordance with the covenants and guidelines. Some design guidelines, such as building height, form, and acceptable materials, are stated as absolute design parameters. Others are left to the discretion and interpretation of the DRB.
We are ready to answer questions about Southcliff's Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs); bylaws; Architectural and Landscape Design Guidelines; and Design Review and Construction Process.
Reach out to us today!
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